Through Movement We Find Health

The Joy of Being in Relationship with The Bubble of Timelessness

May 13th, 2008 · No Comments

Today’s class focus was on Nia Blue Belt Principle #1, The Joy of Being in Relationship.  The practice is to cultivate relationships with the movements we are doing.  We do this by saying "Hello," either silently or out loud to each movement.  This establishes a relationship so that dialogue can happen.  Then we can notice what we bring to the relationship with the movement, and what the movement brings to the relationship as well.

I left the house this morning feeling cranky and insecure.  My mental realm was telling all sorts of stories, like Wormtongue in The Lord of he Rings, whispering in King Theoden’s ear, causing him to be blind to his own heart and to what is actually before him in the moment.

Part way through the first song I felt time begin to slow down.  Then throughout class, I had the sensation of time having a rhythm or a pulse, sometimes slowing a lot, sometimes being less slow, and then slowing more again. And I had the sensation that the slow time formed a container of spaciousness.  Sometimes the container felt small, other times vast, but always inside there was great space, there was pressure and support, like being under water, and there was a palpable consciousness.

It felt like something greater had come in to the room and was patiently holding us and being with us.  We were all dancing with it, together as a group, yet each of us in our own intimate relationship with it. 




Tags: Ongoing Nia Classes

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