Through Movement We Find Health

Judge Not Thy Precious Self

April 30th, 2009 · 3 Comments

“Judge not thy precious self.”

These words have been my guide over the last two weeks.  

They were chosen at random from the focus basket for the last Nia class I taught before my recent trip to New Mexico with my husband to study with our teacher, Martín Prechtel, at his school, Bolad’s Kitchen.

These words became my personal focus for the practice of dancing though life, for the practice of wrestling the demons of shame who push us into narrow places, hungry to fill their bellies, casting their all-or-nothing spell again and again in an attempt to deflect attention from their own broken heartedness.  

These words became the ballast for the boat of my wanderings in the wide and deep sea of the holy.  

They became the light of the stars, shining in their constellations, circling overhead, circling underfoot and circling inside my chest, keeping rhythms of time so much vaster than my worries and insecurities, sustaining a view so grand I can see what I love illuminated before me, bioluminescent in the water, splashing, wriggling, calling, so loved and so in love that what eats at me falls in love, too.

In the Nia practice of FreeDance, Stage 6, is called, “Witness — Observe, Do Not Judge, Interfere or Manipulate.”  We witness what is happening in the body in motion. 

My hope is that, now that I’m back home, I can sustain this focus, “Judge not thy precious self,” for my ongoing practice of dancing through life, witnessing ebb and flow, narrow and spacious, pleasure and pain, the strange, beautiful and precious gift of living life in a body.

Tags: Dancing Through Life · Ongoing Nia Classes

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Kirstie // Jun 2, 2009 at 5:03 pm

    What a fantastic quotation. It really resonates with me. I am at the beginning of my Nia journey as a teacher, and there are many things I jump in to judge my “precious self” on. It is always when one is most busy that it is most important to become ‘the witness’, and gain the perspective we need to let what will be, be. Thank you.

  • 2 Erica Saffron // Jun 5, 2009 at 2:13 pm


    Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. I love the quote. This is somewhat unrelated, but I find it really beautiful that with this great world wide web, which I must admit that I initially didn’t take very seriously. For me, it was sort-of an altered universe, like a dream state, where I could live an imaginary life. Now, I think the beauty and the balance comes in really being true to ourselves within this new social atmosphere that technology has created. And this is why I really appreciate your openness and honesty with the things you shared!

    Big Nia Hugs,

    Erica Saffron
    White Belt 🙂

  • 3 Jennifer Hicks // Aug 14, 2009 at 2:37 pm

    What a wonderful birthday gift! Have a wonderful time!

    Brown Belt in Toronto, Canada

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