Through Movement We Find Health

The Five Stages of Self-Healing: Embryonic

June 8th, 2008 · 2 Comments

The Five Stages of Self-Healing is a Nia movement practice based on the developmental stages we went through as babies: Embryonic, Creeping, Crawling, Standing and Walking. (See my Blue Belt post, Developmental Anatomy.)

By calling on The Body’s Way, The Five Stages of Self-Healing organically realign your body, helping you reclaim flexibility, agility, mobility, strength and stability in a way exercise alone cannot. They condition muscles, bones, organs, emotions, senses, nervous system and energy body. Because they are pre-verbal, when ou practice them, let instinct and intuition guide you and tell you when to transition to the next stage.

This month we are focusing in class on these developmental stages, practicing one stage each week and incorporating the physical sensation and energetic experience of each into our Nia practice, and into our lives.

Stage 1: Embryonic. Fish-like.

You are floating in water. You are moving in the womb, floating in amniotic fluid. You move fluidly and freely. Limbs float. There are no edges and no separations. There is no up or down. There is no time. You are coiling and uncoiling in continuous movement that is fluid and soft.

There is no thinking. Just awareness. You are pure body and pure spirit. From the energetic center of your navel, you are connected through the universal umbilical cord to all of life. You are integrating your physical body and energy body.

This stage is all about receiving. You are nurtured. You are fed. Everything you need is here.

Nothing is required of you. You are relaxed, alert and waiting. Embryonic.

For more information about Nia and the Five Stages of Self-Healing, please contact Rachael R. Resch at 541/488-1192 or

Tags: 2) Blue Belt #2 · Ongoing Nia Classes · The Nia Five Stages: Developmental Movement

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Watsu: The Sensation of Embryonic // Aug 7, 2008 at 8:55 pm

    […] in a body of water does provide the sensation of weightlessness that the Nia practice of Embryonic brings us, and is beautiful in its own right.  But add the deep presence of a practitioner and the […]

  • 2 I’m Back! // Nov 10, 2009 at 9:29 pm

    […] am embryonic.  Everything is new.  Everything is new, strange and beautiful.  I am in a never-before-seen or […]

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